Restaurant CDC Mastermind Group

We are a Mastermind Group dedicated to helping you go further, grow stronger, connect more deeply with peers, and deliver more impact in your unique role. Virtual and In-Person groups are forming now, exclusively for those in Chef de Cuisine roles.

New group launching soon. Seats are limited and we expect them to fill quickly. 

Review the details below for schedules and pricing, fill out the form with your information, and we'll set up an introductory call. 

Membership Details

Individual Mastermind Groups will be limited to 12 Members

In-Person Sessions

The Group will meet 12 times per year

The meetings will start at 8:30 am and conclude at 2:00 pm

The cost will be $600 per month. Members will be billed semi-annually

Virtual Meetings

The Group will meet 12 times per year

The meetings will start at 8:00 am and conclude at 12:00 pm

The cost will be $500 per month. Members will be billed monthly.

Register Here

Today's the Day

Joining the BOH Mastermind Group is more more of an investment in your professional growth than it is an investment in your business. 

The truth is Mastermind Groups only provide value to those who are committed to it. This means attending meetings regularly, helping your peers whenever possible, and being open about your own problems and concerns with your business. 

In short, you get out of it what you put into it. If the BOH Mastermind Group is not something that you can fully commit to, whether because of time or lack of of direct business benefit, then this group is not for you. However, if you believe in the premise behind the BOH Mastermind Group: Chefs de Cuisine who face similar challenges in their professional roles and need perspectives that ownership, employees and customers cannot provide, you should register today!

My expertise is guiding & mentoring business leaders to be the best they can be

The most important thing I can tell you is that I have walked in your shoes. I was a skilled Second In Command; I have dealt with adversity and success. I know the importance of strong relationships between Visionary Leaders, their ‘number 2’ and the leadership team as a whole. 

  • I know this to be true from over twenty years of experience, a great CDC is a requirement to having an exceptional business. The Chef de Cuisine needs to drive quality, profitability and enable a successful work-life balance for their team.

  • My expertise is guiding and mentoring business leaders to be the best they can be. The secret to being a great CDC is to be able to lead the business with the best-in-class operational execution. This group will make that a reality. 

  • I choose to work with a limited number of CDCs. I seek out CDCs that will not settle for anything other than being their best. If you are committed, focused, ready to learn and have some fun YOU should be in our BOH Mastermind Group ™ . 

  • Are you a great CDC looking for peer-to-peer mentorship with other great CDCs? 

Reed MacNaughton

Founder of BOH Mastermind


New York, NY
